Amina Hospital


Best care to kidney disease patients

The department of Nephrology at Amina Hospital is dedicated to providing the best of care to patients suffering from Renal (Kidney diseases). Nephrology is the discipline that deals with the treatment of conditions that affect the kidneys. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Stone Disease, Infections, Hereditary illness and Poisons are the risk factors associated with Kidney diseases. The department is one of the best centers for Kidney stone treatment in Ajman. If you or a family member have any of the risk factors, it is important to have a regular check-up.

If you have any of these risk factors, get tested for kidney disease. Early kidney disease has no signs or symptoms. Our expert Nephrology Consultants, junior doctors, nurses and technicians are highly experienced in diagnosis and management of these diseases. We offer 24 hrs. service for dialysis; including toxicology and plasma exchange.

What you should know about kidney disease:

Our Specialist

Dr. Housam Al Talla

Specialist - Nephrologist

Dr. Jayaram Panikkkassery

Specialist Anesthesiologist

Dr. Raji Sharma

Specialist Anesthesiologist

Dr. Shashank Kulkarni

Specialist Anesthesiologist

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